Welcome to the SQUEEZE project
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-mediated condition with enormous socioeconomic and individual impact. Despite the availability of various treatment options, every patient seems to respond differently. Furthermore, the unsuccessful choice of the most suitable medication for a particular patient can lead to a scenario in which the patient consumes a drug that doesn’t align with their body’s response, ultimately aggravating the patient’s condition. We, at SQUEEZE, in synergy with other EU-wide activities, work to validate clinical, laboratory, molecular, digital, and behavioural biomarkers to help tailor the best treatment to the individual patient. Our aim is to improve the efficacy, safety, and satisfaction with existing therapies (by squeezing the most out of them!).
€ 12.5 Mio
5 years
We are a team of leading academic centres with a first-class record in translational and clinical research, patient research partners and small and medium sized enterprises (SME) active in the field of innovative digital healthcare products, science communication, and project management.
The SQUEEZE team at the EULAR PARE Conference in Brussels
November was a busy and inspiring month for the SQUEEZE team! Let's start with event number one: A group of our esteemed PatientResearchPartners (PRP) traveled to Brussels to represent their crucial roles in [...]
The SQUEEZE WP8 team at the 3rd IMPACT conference
The SQUEEZE WP8 team around Agnes Kocher, Christina Wettengl and Sofia Calado from Nursing Science (INS), Institut für Pflegewissenschaft, Universität Basel recently attended the 3rd Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT) conference. The IMPACT [...]
Successful SQUEEZE Month 24 General Assembly meeting in Bucharest, Romania
Our 4th General Assembly meeting was held from 5 to 6 November in Bucharest, Romania together with over 50 scientists, clinicians and patient research partners from 10 European countries. The two-day event marked [...]